This is part 1 of discharging the emotional pain. In this video I go into some techniques on how to discharge. Remember that if you have been living in fight/flight for a long time your body might freeze and not be able to do these techniques on your own. If that is the case you can book a 90 min Emotional Health Intensive by emailing or you can apply to work 1:1 here.

Lesson 8 To Do’s:

  1. Emotional Health Work is to notice where you are holding the emotional charge in your body and try a technique that you feel called to.

  2. Remember that if you get stuck reach out for support and email to book something with me.

  • If you have any questions please email, if you are needing more support you can book a 90 min Emotional Health Intensive by emailing or you can apply to work 1:1 here.