Emotional Health Accelerator™
A self-paced online course for those that want to learn tools to find relief from their anxiety and trauma, so they can become the emotionally healthiest version of themselves.
Taught by Ali Kates, Trauma Recovery Coach & Somatic Experience™ Practitioner
Your past does not have to define your present or future.
➡️ Is your past constantly showing up in your present?
➡️ Do you have physical pain and are looking for relief?
➡️ Feel like you don’t have control of your emotions & reactions?
➡️ Do you live in your head and have constant anxiety?
If I know you I bet you think one if not all of these things & more…
“I know that something is wrong. I know that I have pain and that it’s holding me back, but I don’t know how to deal with it.
“My emotional pain is starting to show in my physical body.”
“The stress and worry I feel are overwhelming, I don’t even know where to begin to get help. It feels like I have option paralysis.”
“I keep shoving my emotions down and thinking it will get better but always end up at same spot.”
“My emotions and trauma seem too big to handle.”
“What if this is it? I worry that the way that I feel right now is how I will feel forever. My self-doubt prevents me from living in my fullest potential.”
“I don’t feel safe in my body anymore.”
+Who you get to be when you are no longer hiding who you are.
+ You could identify new insight into your behavior and emotions and develop personalized tools to help direct your emotions.
+You knew how to break free from the physical pain your trauma is causing you and learn proven strategies that empower you to release the emotional pain.
+You could experience more peace, clarity and freedom.
+You knew how to regulate your nervous system and move out of fight or flight and into safety.
+You were more able to discern your trauma response from reality.
+You stepped into your power and moved from a heart centered and confident space to create lasting change.
Do you want to break the cycle of your past and find safety and empowerment?
That’s what I want for you too.
Emotional Health Accelerator™ is a self-paced, transformative course that will help you Acknowledge Your Emotions, Boost Your Emotional Intelligence, and Claim Your Inner Authority. You will learn tools to regulate your nervous system, move the emotional charge out of your body in order to create safety in your body & life. .
Each week you will gain new insights that will help you understand how to identify roadblocks that have hindered you in the past and integrate tools that foster safety and empowerment in your body.
The best part about Emotional Health Accelerator™? YOU can incorporate these teachings right now and gain access to knowledge that can empower you to be the be the emotionally healthiest person you know. Stop putting your healing off for tomorrow and join Emotional Health Accelerator™ today and look forward to becoming a the best version of YOU.
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Maddie Running
Listen to EHA member, Maddie Running, on her experience inside of Emotional Health Accelerator. She speaks about where she was starting the course, and where she is after completing EHA.
Why I Made This Course…
A lot of what is seen in our everyday lives and in the media glamorizes toxic traits and behaviors when coping with trauma. At the same time, as someone who has experienced Trauma you might be finding yourself lost in the self help books, stumbling upon the tiktoks explaining trauma & more. I get it, I was there. As someone that had experienced complex childhood trauma, CPTSD and more I never felt safe in my body. This is why I pursued this profession in trauma recovery, because I personally have felt profound relief when I learned how to move the emotional charge out of my body and tend to my nervous system. It’s my mission to help others find that same relief, because your past does not have to define your present or future. I am living proof of it. ❤️
Inside Emotional Health Accelerator, you will learn how to Acknowledge Your Emotions, Boost Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence), & Claim Your Inner Authority. Inside the program you will learn tools and practices to regulate your nervous system, communicate your feelings and needs, trust yourself and your body, create safety and move the emotional charge out of your body. You will learn healing techniques and methods I use personally with clients to aid in trauma healing.
You will walk out of this course feeling empowered with knowledge on how to honor your experience & show up as your most authentic, imperfect self.
You deserve to know how it feels to not live in fight/flight anymore. ✨
Step 1 is Acknowledge Your Emotions, in this section you will learn tools and techniques that will help you to acknowledge your emotions.
In this section we dive into:
Trauma,Nervous System, Fight/Flight
Tolerance work
How, Why and Where trauma is stored in the body
In this section we dive into:
Trauma Responses
Roadblocks & How to Reset
Somatic Experiencing
Boundaries & Values
Discharging Emotional Pain from the body
IFS/ Parts Work
Practical tools and methods for regulation & moving the emotional charge out
This is probably my most favorite section because it is where students of EHA learn how to step into their authority over their lives
In this section we dive into:
Claiming your values
Discernment, how to know what is right for you in your life, relationships & healing
Creating Healthy Habits
Cultivating Consistency
Customizing an Emotional Health Formula™ for you today and how to audit so you will be set up for success after EHA

Hi, I am Trained Trauma Recovery Coach, Somatic Experience™ Practitioner (In-Training) Advocate, Speaker & Educator. After experiencing developmental trauma and sexual abuse that left me riddled with emotional pain and complex PTSD I personally know how hard it can be to feel SAFE in your body.
During the first few years of intense trauma recovery I felt lost, confused and insecure. I thought there had to be another way than what I was experiencing. I went on a journey with my emotional & mental health to find knowledge, understanding and relief. I tried everything from CBT, Hypnotherapy, EMDR, Psychotherapy(Talk therapy), Neuroplasticity (Brain Rewiring)and more. Nothing really seemed to shift my anxiety that I had in my body. During this quest was when I found a Trauma Recovery Coach that taught me how to move the emotional charge out of my body. Because trauma lives in the BODY not the brain. It became my mission to help others find the relief that I had and continue to experience. The knowledge and healing techniques that I have learned are what I teach inside Emotional Health Accelerator ™.
During this time I created the Emotional Authority Method, the method that allowed me to go from burnt-out ➡️ empowered in my healing. This is what I want for you too. I want you to find freedom in your life and not be controlled by your past. Because you are SO much more than what has happened to you.
I believe that the when you move the emotional charge out of your body regulate your nervous system the more freedom you will feel. As someone that is living proof of it, remember you can find freedom.
See you inside Emotional Health Accelerator
Cheers to your healing!
Ali Kates
Certified Trauma Recovery Coach
Somatic Experience™ Practitioner
This is a self-paced course, so once you sign up you can pick your pace. Of course we set you up for success and give you a suggested timeline within the course and emotional health work (aka homework) to keep you accountable and moving forward.
Purchase Emotional Health Accelerator now, here is the link to purchase.
No; I am a Certified Trained Trauma Recovery Coach & Somatic Experience™ Practitioner (in-training). This course is not a substitute for psychotherapy, a magical cure to instantly heal from trauma, or a way of being diagnosed with any mental illness.
On average it takes 3 months to complete, but it is self-paced so you will not loose access to it after 3 months. You will have it for as long as EHA is in existence.
As long is the course is in existence, you will have complete access to current and updated course material :).
We go over this in detail in the course. Even if you don’t have a what we call “Big T” trauma, everyone has had emotional pain and wounds that they crave relief from. Apply and we can talk more about if this is the right program for you!
1 Payment of $497 or 3 payments of $197.